Friday, August 24, 2012


Q. There are some homes that I want to see, how do I arrange to see them?

A. Many homes are occupied and appointments will be needed to see the inside of the property. You may drive by the property however, the current occupant is advised not to allow any prospective tenant access to their home without an appointment being made by our leasing staff. Our leasing staff is available 7 days a week to accommodate you.


Q. We will not be moving for a few months, so how can I learn what homes will be available in the future?

A. Tenants are required to give a 30-day notice of their intentions to move, so we seldom know beyond 30 days which specific homes are going to be available for rent. Since we property manage many hundreds of homes, there are usually several choices of rental properties available. These homes are updated on our website on a daily basis, so you may want to bookmark our site and visit often as the time gets closer for you to select a rental home.


Q. The home is available for rent now but we will not be able to rent for three months. Will the owner hold the home until we need it if we pay a deposit?

A. No, not with just a deposit. Owners may be willing to hold a home for about 7 to 10 days after the posted availability date, and then they require that rent payments start.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

House Cleaning Tips

House Cleaning – My house for me is truly a place where my heart is. It’s a place where I am happy to be there. A place which makes me forget the stress and hard work of the day. My and my family’s memories are attached to it, the good and the bad!  I love my house and I want to keep it clean and hygienic every time.
I feel good about myself when my house is clean. Not just that even my family appreciates me and I spend a good time with my family when my house is clean
Here are few tips from my personal experience that I use to keep my house clean. They are easy and simple and will not take more than 60 seconds to do.
Clean a Mirror
You don’t have to buy glass cleaners and paper towels to clean your mirrors.  Just some vinegar and an old newspaper is all you need to keep your mirrors shining as new. Your house will look cleaner if the mirrors are clean.
Rinse Your Plate
Cleaning plates is a tuff thing if its kept for some time un cleaned. I rinse my plate after dinner and have all my family members do the same and it makes washing plates so easy. It is a small and simple habit but makes a lot of trouble easier. I don’t like trying to wash dried food off of dishes, do you?
Cleaning the Oven
Does your oven get used every day?  Someday if you’re not using your oven, give it a quick spray of oven cleaner and keep it like that till the next day. Before you turn on your oven the next day, give it a quick wipe down. The baked on stuff comes off much easier than ever.
Cleaning the Microwave
Cleaning a microwave is easy. Fill up a cup of water and put it in there on high for a few minutes. The steam from the cup will loosen any stuck-on food, and then you can just wipe it away. It’s that simple.
Cleaning the Fridge
A fridge looks big and cleaning it looks even bigger. Follow my steps and the work will be a bit easier. First toss out any bad food. Then start with wiping down the top shelves and work down. Baking soda and water make a great cleaner and won’t leave your fridge smelling like
harsh cleanser. After you wipe out the crispers, line them with paper towels for easier cleaning next time. Cleaning the fridge was never this easy.
Cleaning your Bathroom
You can use lemon oil to shine the tiles of your bathroom. Lemon oil will also prevent mold and mildew. Use a false teeth bubbling tablet to avoid rings. Sometimes the problem with shower is that hard water gets build up there. Fill a plastic bag with vinegar and place it over shower head to remove hard water buildup. You can use alcohol to  shine bathroom faucets.
Toilet Hygiene
One of the most hated things to do but fortuitously, it can be done very fast if you follow the way I do, few steps to follow to get it done quickly. First pour some cleaner in the bowl to soak. Then wipe down the seat and outside of the bowl with an antibacterial wipe or spray cleaner. After that scrub the bowl with a toilet brush and finally wipe down everything again with a dry cloth to make it shine.
Bathtubs can be cleaned too EASILY
To clean bathtubs here are a few things that may help:
Use a cleanser that will foam or bubble. This allows you to “soak” your tub or shower,
even if it’s a vertical wall. Get a scrubber that fits your needs, a long-handled one or
an extra firm one, pick a scrubber that will be easiest for you to use.Moreover, spraying the tub or shower down after each use can make deep cleaning easier.
Carpet Sweeping
If you have a carpet sweeper or a cordless hand vacuum handy then your job gets easier. This way you don’t need to drag the big vacuum out every time your floor needs a quick clean-up.

Meet The Neighbors

Now that you’ve got the boxes unpacked, it’s time to meet your neighbors. Meeting new people can be a little nerve-wracking, so here are some hints on how to meet your new neighbors.
Just say “hi”
The quickest way to get to know the new neighbors is to simply wave to them. When you’re standing on the porch of your new home or driving by in your car, give them a big smile and a wave. This will tip them off that you’re a friendly person. Greet your neighbors as you see them out and about.
When you stop by for introductions, be sure to keep it short and not ask too many questions. You don’t want to seem like you are prying. Just keep the conversation light. For example, tell them where you moved from or ask for a local restaurant recommendation. Another benefit to keeping it short is that you can get a good read on what that new neighbor is like. If you aren’t getting a good vibe, then you’ll know it’s not a friendship you want to pursue. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you should give them all a chance until you find the folks you bond with best.
Join in the fun
Your next move is to start getting involved in community activities, so you can get to know everyone better. It’s easy to start up conversations when you are sharing a common interest. It can be as easy as going to the neighborhood pool or gym and chatting up friendly-looking folks. It’s also good to participate in a regular meeting like neighborhood watch or the homeowner’s association. Or go nuts and start your own club! If you love to run, create a running group. Put flyers on mailboxes announcing a kick-off meeting at a neutral location like a clubhouse or local coffee shop. Taking the initiative shows everyone that you want to be a part of their community and aren’t afraid to step up.
Connect online
Meeting face-to-face is great, but if you live in a really big neighborhood it’s sometimes hard to reach everyone — and you don’t want to miss out on meeting the other guy who loves building miniature train models! You can connect online by searching your neighborhood’s name and the phrase “neighborhood association.” Once you find yours, sign up for the email list, Facebook page, or whatever tool they are using to network. Connecting electronically gives you access to informative conversations about local events, political issues, activities for kids and neighborhood meetups. Even if you just read the emails and don’t post your own, you can get a good idea of who’s who in the neighborhood.
Open the doors
Okay, you’ve been working really hard at meeting the folks on your block and finding new friends with common interests. Now it’s time to open your doors and invite your neighbors over! After a few months, you’ll know enough people that you feel comfortable with, plus you can branch out by inviting some neighbors you haven’t met yet. Host a casual open house, barbeque or potluck where people can come and go over a period of a few hours. Be sure to have nametags on hand.
Before you know it, you’ll be making new friends in your neighborhood. Don’t forget to pay the goodwill forward and say hi to other new folks on the block when they move in.

Money Tips for Young Professionals

So you’ve landed your first professional job, but you’re not making a lot of money – at least not yet. Though you may be a few smart career moves away from your dream job and its rewards, you’re treading water in the present. This is the scenario a lot of young professionals face when starting a career.
Breaking into an awesome career may mean struggling with a low-paying job for a while, but some planning and awareness may help with your long-term financial goals. These money tips will show you how to invest in yourself.
Surviving on a too-small paycheck
If paying your dues (or starting over in a new career) means receiving a smaller paycheck for a while, consider using credit wisely to fill in the gaps. While most financial planners will tell you that credit card debt is a bad thing — and they’re right — credit cards can help you survive when you simply don’t make enough to live on. The key, however, is to use credit only for bills and living costs after you’ve divvyed up your paycheck. Use a card for your needs – not your wants — and you’ll be using credit wisely.
If you need to use credit to cover living expenses like utility bills, food or rent, shop around for a low interest rate credit card. Do your homework, and you may be able to get a card with an initial zero-percent interest rate, provided that you’ve got a high credit score. Failing that figure, shoot for an interest rate that’s 15 percent, or lower.
Think of using this credit card as giving yourself a career loan. You’ll be able to afford a lower-paying job and get great experience while financing your extra expenses for a time on a low-rate card.
Pay off high-interest debt first
When you finally do get a raise or land that dream job, you can set yourself up for financial success by paying down your highest interest rate debt first. Don’t confuse high balance with high interest. Even if you’ve got $500 in credit card debt and $30,000 in student loan debt, your best bet is to pay off the credit card first. That’s because credit cards usually come with higher interest rates, and if that $500 debt comes with a 20-percent rate, you want to chip away at that balance first so it doesn’t grow exponentially.
Start an emergency fund
If you have extra money at the end of the month, sock it away in an emergency savings account. Aim to save four months’ salary, and don’t touch this fund unless you’re in dire straits. Having that emergency fund will be important in the event you lose your job. (It might keep you from having to sell everything you own and move back in with Mom and Dad!)
Begin saving as soon as possible
Even though you may be strapped, saving money is a good habit. Train yourself to save when you don’t have very much extra each month, and saving will be second nature when you begin to make more money. As soon as you can manage it, start saving part of your paycheck by investing in a retirement account like an IRA or a 401K. (In fact, if your employer offers a 401K, you’d be wise to contribute to it. 401Ks are fantastic retirement savings vehicles because they allow you to make contributions that your employer may match. That employer match is basically free money, so don’t pass it up.)
Hang in there
Finally, one of the best money tips for young professionals is a reminder to be patient. When you’re starting a career, you have to work hard to achieve your goals. Do great work, hang in there and in time your employer will likely recognize your hard work by rewarding you financially. You may not have your dream career yet, but you’ll be working hard, steadily building a resume of great experience that will help you move up the ladder of success.

How to Declutter Your Apartment

How to Declutter Your Apartment
Apartment dwellers often battle for storage space, beating back an ever-growing deluge of belongings, paperwork and the accumulated detritus of daily life. It is possible to win the war, however, and maintain your clutter-free supremacy with a short daily skirmish. Read on for some tips and tricks on how to keep clutter from taking over your apartment.
Pick a room
Where to start is often the hardest part of any cleaning endeavor. If you are a brave-hearted soul, begin in the messiest room in the apartment. More timid persons may want to start in a smaller space, like a closet. Whatever your choice, be sure you are mentally prepared to be ruthless and have assembled the proper arsenal.
Decluttering equipment
The tools are simple. Arm yourself with garbage bags, empty boxes, magic markers and a dust rag. Now label each box with “donate”, “toss” and “keep” or whatever similar phrasing suits you.
Let the games begin
Your first step is getting rid of things that don’t belong in a given space. Put the ones you want in the “keep” box, and worry about where you will actually put it later.
Your criteria for deciding what to do with the remaining clutter is to ask the following questions: Do I love this? Have I used it in the last year? Do I have two? Am I sentimentally attached? Do I feel sad and guilty when I look at it? Then get rid of everything in the room that doesn’t make you feel positive in some way or that you just don’t need. Either pass it on to someone else who would enjoy it, or, if it can’t be used by another, toss it!
When your garbage box is full, take it outside to the bin and bring in another. Do the same for your donations, sealing each box and taking it to your car as you work. The goal is to get the stuff you don’t want anymore out of your place.
When the “keep” box gets full, pick it up and carry it with you around the apartment, putting each item in the proper room, if not yet the perfect storage place. Go back and keep at it, taking breaks or setting a timer over several days so you don’t burn out on the big jobs.
The daily drill offers a detailed decluttering method that works for any size household. She advocates daily 15-minute sessions, focusing on cluttered hot spots that collect items, such as entranceways, countertops, desks or catch-all dresser drawers and baskets. For serious cases, also try going through your home daily with a garbage bag and throwing away 20 items, then doing the same process with a box for donations.
There are a number of online resources to help you curb the chaos of your worldly possessions. Use the tips above, or sign up for free emails that offer advice on how to organize your home, such as, and you’ll be sure to stay on the straight, narrow and uncluttered path to happiness.

Ways to Make Cleaning Chores More Interesting

Ways to Make Cleaning Chores More Interesting
Do your cleaning chores feel like a scene out of Cinderella, but with extra drudgery and fewer singing birds? Perhaps it’s time to make your everyday tasks more interesting.
Mixing in some creative cleaning ideas can make common chores downright cool. Check out these tips on how to improve your daily duties about the apartment.
Pump up the volume
Dance the dust away! Common chores instantly become more fun with the right soundtrack. Crank up a clean-house playlist that puts you in a good mood and shake your booty while you sort your laundry. If you continue using your same house-cleaning music mix each time you tackle your cleaning chores, the sounds may actually trigger you to get excited about cleaning. Take it to the next level by slipping on a pair of cleaning slippers to mop the floor. By the time you’re done, you’ll be warmed up and ready for a night out on the town.
Grab a buddy
Solo chores can be a bore, so why not dish the dirt while you clean up? Grab your partner, spouse, child, or (very helpful and generous) friend, and put him or her to work. Cleaning your apartment is much more fun when you have someone to chat with while you scour the bath. Plus, your everyday chores will take half the time!
Reward yourself
If you like having deadlines, make plans with a friend for a specific time so that you have a real incentive to get your tasks done by then. If you are cleaning alone, you can motivate yourself by setting goals and rewards. It could be something small like setting a timer and treating yourself to a piece of chocolate every time you finish fifteen minutes of cleaning chores. Or you could reward yourself with a pedicure or movie once you have completed your housework chores.
Get fancy
Another way to add some spark to your sparkle is by testing out new cleaning products. Swap out your grocery store degreaser for something sassy like the cleansers from Better Life or Method. Pick up some new tools like hand-knitted dish scrubbers or fun reusable cleaning cloths. Give these new products a whirl, and then write reviews of the products online afterward.
Soak in the benefits
After you’ve spent the day making your apartment shine, take time to stop and smell the cleanliness. Settle on the sofa for five minutes and really appreciate the benefits of the hard work you’ve done. Notice the lemony scent of your spic-and-span home. Admire yourself in your newly-clean mirrors. Take in the joy of climbing into a freshly-made bed. A few moments of appreciation might help you realize it was all worth it.
Cleaning chores don’t have to be a drag. Simply tackle your tasks in a fun way and they’ll be done before you know it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Q. What other pet policies are there? 

A.No property owners will approve an occupancy for the following breeds of dogs:
  • Rotweillers
  • Pitbulls
  • Dobermans
  • Chows
  • German Shepherds
You will be required to sign a statement attesting to the fact that your pet has no history nor any known incident of showing a threatening posture towards people.


Q. The web page says “no pets.” How can I find out if an owner will reconsider their stated preference?

A. At the time of submitting an application for tenancy, you may request any exception that you want the owner to consider. Sometimes, but not always, an owner may reconsider their requirements after reviewing your pet’s verifiable history, or a large pet deposit, to cover possible damages. Pet restrictions do not apply to assistive living animals.


Q. How much does it cost to move into a rental home?

A. First month’s rent, plus a security deposit equal to one month’s rent, and, if applicable, a pet deposit.


Q. How much does it cost to use our services?

A. There is no charge for our leasing staff to help you to find a home. If you decide to submit an application to rent one of our properties, there is a $65 charge for the credit and application background check.

Vacation / Short Term Rentals and Furnished Properties

If you are looking for a place to get away in sunny Arizona, but you do not actually want to move, Desert Wide Properties can help. Below is a list of properties offered specifically as vacation rentals. You can enjoy the fabulous lifestyle of sunny Arizona for a lovely vacation away from the pressures of home and work.
Just search through the properties below to find the perfect place for you. Simply click the calendar links to see the dates these properties are available.
Days indicated in RED are already booked!

Check here for availability

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Arizona Property Management Q&A

Q. What are the important criteria used to qualify for renting a home?

A. Since we manage homes for hundreds of different homeowners, each homeowner may have a somewhat different standard for tenant selection. Generally, owners consider the following factors:

  • Satisfactory credit history
  • Monthly income about three times the monthly rental amount
  • No outstanding judgments
  • No past rental evictions
  • Established history of credit since a past bankruptcy
  • Employment verification
  • Criminal record check
  • Present and former landlord references
  • All properties are offered subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, country of national origin, handicap, or familial status.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. If I place my home in property management, how much control do I have in making management decisions.

A. As much or as little as you want. Take for example maintenance decisions. Most owners place $350 in a maintenance trust to be used in case of minor repairs. They don’t want to be notified every time a faucet leaks. However, if there is a more expensive repair, they do want to be contacted and involved in evaluating the bids and choosing the vendor. We will work out an understanding with you about the degree to which you want to be involved in tenant selection, maintenance and repair issues, setting rental rates, etc.
The following links detail our management program:

Monday, April 30, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long will it take to rent my house?

A. There are multiple factors that have to be taken into consideration to answer this question. Here are some general guidelines, however, keep in mind that amenities, pricing, and location are important factors in predicting success. It is important to know that the time required to rent a property is region specific with some areas renting relatively quick and others continuing to be a challenge. Several management companies are now advertising "no Deposit", "bad credit OK", lease option with no qualifying", "no rent payment for 30 days", etc. We believe that renting to an unqualified tenant is nearly always a big mistake and that you may pay dearly for that mistake in the very near future. We encourage high qualifying standards for tenants with the price set to rent the property within 30 days. Because of the uniqueness of each home, we will work up a rental market analysis for you at no charge.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Arizona Property Managment

We use tomorrow’s technology to find you a home! Based on a series of demographic-oriented questions we can find you the perfect home across town (or across the country). With Desert Wide Properties you will never lack for options either: you will often find multiple communities that fit your search criteria! We can search almost anything--from school information to local attractions, shopping, or dining--to help you identify the neighborhoods suited best to you and your family.
You can search by property type, location, school district, crime rate, and other popular criteria to best focus your results. You can even change your search criteria any time you want! Simply take a look at the options available to you with Desert Wide Properties handling your search: it is a simple and easy solution to any rental property search needs you may have. Find the perfect options with the help of Desert Wide Properties!
Thanks to our amazing eNeighborhoods software, we can show you recent home value information, objective school system ratings, climate and crime statistics, community demographics and much more, for any neighborhoods in the USA. And we can provide side-by-side comparisons of any of our rental properties to your present community.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much do property management services cost?

A. The minimum management fee is $85 per month or eight percent (8%) of the rental amount, whichever is greater. In addition to the monthly management fee, an owner should expect $495 total costs per each new tenancy for advertising, lease-up referral commissions, photo tours, and move-out and move-in home inspections. Use of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is optional and costs from $100 to three percent of the gross lease amount for a "success" commission that is charged only after a tenancy is executed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I evaluate the “real” cost of property management?

A. Unquestionably, the largest expenses associated with property management is a result of vacancy rate and quality of tenant performance. Only by comparing the resources and services that address these concerns will one come to an understanding of the cost that may result from choosing one property management company over another. We invite you to consider the following:

The great majority (70%) of perspective tenants now use the web to find a new home. Every management company recognizes this fact, so all have web sites to compete for market share of perspective tenants. It is also important to know that people choose "organic" search results over "paid" placement advertising. Desert Wide Properties absolutely overwhelms all other residential property management companies in ALL of the Phoenix metro cities on ALL of the search engines. Search on the primary key phrases that tenants use to locate homes for rent. (Example: "Phoenix property management", "Gilbert homes for rent" on Yahoo, MSN, All the Web", Google, Alta Vista, or any other search engine.) Try the same key words with any of the fifty metro city names such as Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Avondale, etc. We receive over one million hits per month so our top search engine placement gives our owners an overwhelming advantage for having their rental properties “found” by thousands of prospective tenants. That translates into less vacancy cost and a better opportunity to select a qualified tenant.

Also, we have a sizeable leasing staff that allows us to be open for business 7 days a week. We rent about twenty-five percent of our homes while our competitors are taking the weekend off.

Additionally, we have an extensive referral network with other realtors. Our web site has hundreds of inbound links from other real estate companies.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Arizona Property Management: YOUR INVESTMENT IS OUR CONCERN

We offer the most comprehensive, full service property management available for residential rental homes.
Desert Wide Properties, Inc was established in 1978 and has grown to be one of the largest residential property management companies in the State of Arizona. We provide professional management services for hundreds of residential properties throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area, which includes Scottsdale, Glendale, Paradise Valley, Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Ahwatukee, Mountain Park Ranch, Apache Junction, Gold Canyon and all three Pointe Hilton residential communities. Our offices are conveniently located to service both the Easy Valley and Phoenix / Scottsdale areas.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

About Our Company

Need answers about Phoenix property management or the status of the rental home market in any of the surrounding metro communities? We service hundreds of rental homes in Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Mesa, Ahwatukee, Glendale, and all East and West Side communities.
Established in 1978, Desert Wide Property Management is a family run business that has grown to be one of the largest and most respected residential property management companies in Arizona. We take great pride in offering outstanding leasing and property management services that are detail oriented and leave nothing to chance. We care about providing our clients the very best in marketing services, tenant screening, management oversight, prompt on-line bookkeeping services, and transparent accountability to both rental home owners and their tenants.

Our homes for rent and property management services are highly visible on the Web throughout Maricopa County, Arizona, and nationally. Desert Wide Properties supplies thousands of websites to real estate agents nationally so we have a large following of real estate agents that use us as a referral partner in finding rental properties for their clients. More than 80% of all people looking to find a home for rent or purchase now use the Web over other forms of advertising.
Give us a call and learn why so many people trust Desert Wide Properties, Inc. to manage their investment homes.
Instant Access to Arizona real estate listings provided by the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service - MLS and from the MLS feeds from Tucson, Payson and other Arizona communities.